Gibraltar Horticultural Society

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Horticulture In Focus

Celebrating Our 70th Anniversary

Flowers are an important feature in our everyday life, they are given for gifts, anniversaries, birthdays and used in religious celebrations, for example weddings and funerals. Maybe a lot of readers might think that horticulture is just the production of flowers in pots or gardens, but truly it involves many areas and not just ornamental production. 

Horticulture is derived from the Latin word hortus, meaning “garden” covers all systems of intensive cultivation of plants for human use this includes the food we eat and plants in our garden or our home usually described as non-food crops.

Throughout the year’s horticulture has also become a business through companies specializing in floral, landscaping and nursery enterprises for the creation of attractive gardens either in private dwellings or general surroundings. In Gibraltar we see more and more areas been beautified with new building incorporating green walls, green areas etc.

 Careers in horticulture although might still be considered relatively small in Gibraltar with the advent of so many new private and luxury developments on the increase is becoming a growing area in Gibraltar. Horticulture allows us an intimate interaction with people and plants, this is an important element in horticultural therapy and allows us immense satisfaction in working outdoors with like-minded people.

Together we can make Gibraltar a greener place, one seed at a time!