Become a Partner in Growth.

The Gibraltar Horticultural Society is a cornerstone of our community, nurturing a love for gardening and beautifying Gibraltar for over 70 years. We rely on the generous support of sponsors like you to continue our vital work.

Why Your Sponsorship is Vital

Your sponsorship is an investment in the future of our community. By supporting the GHS, you'll be contributing to the many projects and activities run annually across Gibraltar:

Community Projects: We host events like the Spring Flower Show, promoting local talent and fostering a love of horticulture amongst all ages. These events require significant resources to stage and maintain.

Educational Programs: Your support allows us to offer educational programs, fostering a lifelong love of gardening in our community, such as the Grow Your Own Food Campaign for Schools. The GHS also offer workshops and educational programs to empower residents to cultivate their own gardens, promoting sustainability and healthy living.

Greening Gibraltar: Your contribution will directly impact the beautification projects that make Gibraltar such a special place. We partner with local groups to plant trees and flowers throughout Gibraltar, creating a more vibrant and welcoming environment for everyone.

Promote Sustainability: We encourage responsible gardening practices, contributing to a greener and more sustainable Gibraltar.


Become a Partner in Growth

The GHS offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities to suit your business goals.  In return for your generosity, we can provide:


Brand Recognition: Prominent logo placement at events, on our website, and in marketing materials.

Community Engagement: Connect with a passionate and environmentally conscious audience.

Positive Public Image: Align your brand with the values of sustainability, education, and community development.

Let's Grow Together! 

Select one of our options below or, contact the Gibraltar Horticultural Society today to discuss sponsorship opportunities. Together, we can cultivate a greener, more vibrant Gibraltar for generations to come.