Help Gibraltar Bloom & Get Involved with the Gibraltar Horticultural Society!

Do you have a passion for plants? Enjoy volunteering and giving back to the community? If so, then the Gibraltar Horticultural Society needs you!

There are many ways you can contribute to the GHS and make a difference:

  • Lend a Helping Hand: Volunteer at GHS workshops and events. From assisting with planting demonstrations to helping out at plant sales, your helping hand will be greatly appreciated.

  • Share Your Expertise: Are you a gardening guru? Or have something topical and interesting to share? Why not write a blog article on your favourite gardening experience or perhaps volunteer to lead workshops and share your knowledge with others. The GHS is always looking for enthusiastic individuals to conduct informative sessions on various gardening topics.

  • Join the Committee: If you're looking for a more substantial way to get involved, consider joining the GHS committee. The committee plays a key role in shaping the Society's direction and ensuring the continued success of its programs.

No matter what your level of experience or time commitment, there's a place for you at the GHS. By getting involved, you'll not only be helping the Society flourish, but you'll also gain valuable knowledge and expand your gardening expertise. You’ll also meet and connect with other like-minded individuals who share your passion for plants and the environment and feel the satisfaction of contributing to a greener and more beautiful Gibraltar for everyone to enjoy.

So, if you're ready to get your hands dirty and make a positive impact, we encourage you to join us in anyway you can. Together, we can cultivate a thriving gardening community and create a more vibrant Gibraltar.

For more information on how to get involved with the GHS, please get in touch Gibraltar Horticultural Society.